If you’re looking to get into Fallout 4 but never have, this upcoming weekend may be the perfect time to finally check the title out.
Fallout 4 will be free to play on PC beginning on Thursday, February 1 through Sunday, February 4.
During that timeframe the base game will be offered at a 33% discount off the regular price, and other discounts include 40% off Fallout 4 Game of the Year + DLCs and 50% off the season pass.
Here is a breakdown of all the discounts you can cash in on.
33% off:
- Fallout 4 Core Game
40% off:
- Fallout 4 G.O.T.Y. (Game of the Year Edition)
- Fallout 4: Automatron
- Fallout 4: Contraptions Workshop
- Fallout 4: Far Harbor
- Fallout 4: Nuka-World
- Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop
- Fallout 4: Wasteland Workshop
50% off:
- Fallout 4 Season Pass

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