One thing that the team behind ‘Friday the 13th: The Game’ implemented in the past few months that would have been extremely useful if it was available at launch, was the option to “practice” playing as Jason by pitting him against AI bot counselors.
There are difficulty settings and while it can be a bit of a challenge at times to locate the counselors, as they play quite different from live players, they have seemed rather dumb.
Well, the team at Gun Media posted it’s plans to improve the AI so the bot counselors have more of a fighting chance and give you a better educational experience.
- AI will now be equipped with Perks that better match the selected difficulty level. Playing on Hard? The counselors might be packing a Perk that starts them out with a defensive item, just like their human counterparts.
- AI will be better at choosing a hiding spot, and what cabins they should enter based on the number of other counselors in the cabin.
- At higher difficulties, counselors will more carefully select and use weapons, especially weighing their chance to stun. They’ll probably ditch that stick for something that packs a bit more punch.
- AI might not be able to appreciate music, but higher difficulty AI will use the radios located in the cabins as a means of distraction.
- Higher difficulty AI can shoot more accurately, place traps, and will attempt to open Jason’s traps with pocket knives.
- They have become better at repairing vehicles and letting friends into a repaired car before they take off, as well as getting back onto the road in case they wreck.
- Counselors will react more realistically to sounds – broken windows, doors, walls – and depending on difficulty and the counselor you snatch up, they may have an easier time of breaking free of Jason’s grasp.
We believe that these changes will allow our Jason players to face a greater challenge against the Offline Bot AI.“
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