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Fortnite v6.30 Patch Brings Food Fight LTM, Mounted Turret and Last Word Revolver


Fortnite’s brand new patch, patch v6.30, has arrived and with it comes a new mode: Food Fight.

Food Fight comes following the removal of Blitz LTM after only 3 days and Epic Games attached the following description to the new mode: “Make a mess in a new Limited Time Mode and defend your structure with the Mounted Turret!”

In the description is an announcement of the arrival of the mounted tourret, which will be coming to Battle Royale.

Fortnite update v6.30


  • Optimized particle effects processing, including fixes for non-visible systems.
  • The Sprint by Default setting will be enabled by default for all new players.
  • Fixed push-to-talk getting interrupted when entering or leaving a menu.
  • Fixed selecting Voice Chat input and output devices in the options menu when there is more than one non-default input or output device.
  • Fixed an issue where weapons could have the wrong textures applied.
  • Improved the speed of gathering information when submitting feedback in-game.
  • Push-to-talk now works in the menu when bound to mouse buttons other than left and right click.


  • Improved the sorting order and separation of party invite and friend actions.
  • The chat window will automatically switch to the Team or Party chat whenever joining a team or party. Restored system messages when party and team members join.
  • Increased the expanded and minimized size of the chat window.
  • Chat scrollbar is no longer visible when chat is minimized.
  • Whispers received while Party or Team chat is open will now appear in-line in the current window.
  • Getting kicked from a party will no longer forcibly remove the player from the current match or zone.
  • Fixed an issue where invites sent to PS4 friends who are not also Epic Friends would work unreliably if that friend came online after you started the game.
  • Fixed issue where banners were too small or incorrect in certain areas of the UI.
  • Fixed an issue where chat text would not appear when playing in a game unless the chat window was hovered on or opened/closed.

Fortnite Battle Royale

Limited Time Mode: Food Fight

The battle of Durrr Burger versus Pizza Pit has begun. Two teams on either side of the map. A huge barrier runs down the middle. Build a fort to protect your restaurant mascot. When the Barrier lowers, destroy the enemy’s mascot to win the match!

Mode Details

  • An impassable barrier will be spawned along the center of the map for the first several minutes.
  • Each team will have an under-construction restaurant near the center of the map. Inside is a giant mascot head representing that team.
  • If the mascot head is destroyed, that team loses the match.
  • Teams should use the time that the barrier is up to construct a defensive fortress around their restaurant.
  • As soon as the barrier lowers… fight to take out the enemy mascot before they destroy yours!
  • Special red Supply Drops spawn at the start of the match. These hold a handful of weapons, ammo, consumables, traps and a few hundred metal building materials.
  • Players will respawn after 7 seconds when eliminated, keeping their inventory.
  • Eliminated players spawn a percentage of their ammo upon elimination, as well as 30/30/60 wood/stone/metal materials.
  • 100% extra resources are gained from gathering.
  • Building resources found on the ground increased from 20 to 50 per instance.
  • No explosive weapons or items are in this mode.


  • Port-a-Challenges no longer spawn below terrain.


  • Mounted Turret added (Legendary Trap)
  • Found in Floor Loot, Supply Drops, Vending Machines, and Supply Llamas.
  • Unlimited Ammo, but will overheat if fired too often.
  • Can only be placed on floors.
  • Damage the Mounted Turret by shooting it directly or by destroying structural support.
  • The floor piece it is placed on is invulnerable.
  • Once placed, can be used by any player regardless of team affiliation.
  • When a vehicle passenger uses a Grappler, the movement has been smoothed out by retaining more vehicle momentum.
  • Pickaxe damage against players has been increased from 10 to 20.
  • Bug Fixes
  • Adjusted Assault Rifle shell ejection settings to prevent the shells from obstructing reticle while firing while aiming down sights.
  • Balloons now have proper audio and visual effects if several are popped simultaneously.
  • Fixed an issue in which players could take damage when leaving a Quadcrasher while using Balloons.
  • Fixed Quadcrashers being movable by walking into them.


  • Quadcrashers spawn rate has been increased to 100% from 50%.
  • Gamepad Bindings; Changing the default gamepad config from Combat Pro to Builder Pro. Updating the default custom bindings to match Builder Pro instead of Combat Pro.
  • Emoting, bandaging, shield potion usage and other movement cancellable actions can now be used while affected by Chillers.
  • Damage numbers will now show up in the starting island.
  • Players will take damage, but not go below 1 health.
  • Local damage effects like screen shake will not play.
  • No quest progress will be gained for damage done in the warmup lobby.
  • Better handling of effects when players fire short bursts of fully automatic weapons like the Submachine Gun.
  • Tracers and firing sounds will be more consistent.
  • Added a new “Reset Camera” action on the Nintendo Switch that can be bound that brings the camera to the horizon.
  • Unbound by default.
  • This gives players with motion controls an easy way to reset their camera location.
  • The time a player is in the Down But Not Out state before being eliminated has been increased from 50 seconds to 60 seconds.

Glider Redeploy

  • Glider Redeploy will now only activate the Glider.
  • Skydiving will no longer be available when using Glider Redeploy.
  • The Skydiving state will still be activated when jumping from the Battle Bus, using Launch Pads, or any type of Rifts.
  • If Skydiving from Launch Pads or Rifts, the forced Glider deploy height has been raised from 15.5 meters to 35 meters.
  • Fixed an issue where holding the Interact binding while skydiving would not automatically start opening chests upon landing.
  • Fixed an issue where players briefly continued to look like they were skydiving when landing.
  • Fixed issue where PS4 controller lighting could be the wrong color.


  • New Tournament: ‘Scavenger Pop-Up Cup’ (Solo)
  • Pop-Up Cups are tournaments testing temporary limited time modes. Scavenger will test several gameplay adjustments – reduced material limit, faster material harvesting, and earning health for eliminations.
  • Material Cap: 500 Wood, 500 Brick, 500 Metal
  • Harvesting Rate has been increased by 40%
  • Players gain 50 health when eliminating an opponent.
  • If health is full, players will receive shield.
  • Players will no longer need to restart the game client to begin a tournament.
  • Scheduled times will now correctly reflect Daylight Savings Time.
  • Improved clarity for time until a tournament starts and time remaining in a tournament session.
  • Fixed an issue in Tournaments where players were not being matchmade against opponents with similar scores. This will greatly increase the difficulty of matches as players earn points.
  • Note that players with high scores during a session may experience longer matchmaking times as we search for suitable opponents.
  • After roughly 4 minutes of searching for opponents with similar scores, players will be placed in the best match available.
  • Fixed an issue where tournament scoring would sometimes require restarting the client to update.
  • Fixed an issue where Victory Royale’s would incorrectly appear as regular Placement points in the score summary.
  • Fixed an issue where players would occasionally be granted a point incorrectly at the start of match and it would disappear after the match.
  • Fixed an issue where teammates would sometimes fail to queue into a match together. Fixed an issue where matches would start with fewer than 80 players.


  • Improved lobby performance and memory usage on Switch.
  • Optimized animation performance. Animation now operates with a fixed time budget, and will dynamically adjust quality and update rate based on load.


  • Glider and footstep audio for out of sight players is now more accurately spatialized.
  • Added hit notification audio when damaging vehicles from a distance.
  • Added ‘wind’ audio cue for players traveling through the air, including yourself.
  • Fixed an issue where Cube Monster footsteps did not have a visual sound indicator.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause tire bounce sounds to trigger twice.
  • Fixed an issue where looping weapon sounds would occasionally be silent.
  • Fixed an issue where jumping and landing audio for other players could fail to play reliably.


  • Added an indication of already completed secrets to the Hunting Party Challenges.
  • Fixed an issue where the jersey number could get reset when changing the style on a sports Outfit with selectable styles.


  • Updated unlock text for the pink variant of Scales to correctly state that it unlocks at Battle Pass tier 74 instead of tier 59.
  • Updated the “Herald’s Wand” harvesting tool to indicate that it is reactive.


  • Fixed an issue where spamming the Play button on the Replay Browser would cause an error.
  • Fixed an issue where the close button would become inactive when loading out of date replays.
  • Quad Launcher explosions no longer reset when scrubbing during replays.


  • The primary quick bar is now visible when spectating a player.


  • Honk button added to extra buttons in the HUD Layout Tool for all your vehicular honking needs.
  • Elimination feed can now be relocated in the HUD Layout Tool.
  • The auto-pickup weapons and auto-open doors options will now be defaulted to off for new players.
  • App icon now fills to the edge on newer Android versions.
  • UI now accounts for the notches in the display of the Pixel 3 and Pixel 3 XL.
  • Enabled shader cache on the Pixel2XL to address memory issues.
  • Fixed a bug where the crouch button would not be visible in build/edit modes.
  • Fixed a bug causing persistent movement input when dragging over the quick bar.
  • Fixed a bug causing sprint to not work on mobile for some players.

Fortnite Save the World


  • Front End interface has been reorganized into a more intuitive player experience. Find out even more information in our blog.
  • Some of the menus are now associated with areas of your Home Base, and the cast of characters who work there, including several new faces!
  • Quest – Campaign and Event quests where you can quickly launch into the game.
  • Map – Lets you pick specific missions to play and earn specific rewards.
  • Command – Manage Heroes, Survivors, Defenders, and Expeditions. You can also spend Upgrade and Research points here. Find more details below!
  • Armory – This is where you can find Schematics, Storage, the Collection Book, and Transformations
  • Item Shop – The Llama pinatas and Event Shop can be found here.
  • New tutorials have been added to unlock and introduce new players to the new Front End menu.
  • You will now receive FORT stats, Upgrade Points, Research Point Generation, Heroes, Schematics, or other items and resources every time your Account Level increases.
  • Existing players will retroactively receive a Giftbox containing these rewards, based on their current Account Level.
  • Previous Skill Trees have been replaced with the new Upgrades Page.
  • All Skill Points earned previously have been removed and all existing players are awarded new Upgrade Points. The number of Upgrade Points awarded is based on their current Account Level.
  • Players can spend these new Upgrade Points to unlock improved pickaxes, Building Health, Gadgets, and other improvements in the new Upgrades Page.
  • The player’s Account Level defines when these Gadgets and other improvements can be acquired.
  • Previous Research Trees have been replaced with the new Research Page.
  • Players will be able to spend Research Points to increase FORT stats.
  • All currently acquired or spent Research Points have been refunded.
  • Many of the feature unlocks that used to exist in the previous Skill Tree and Research Tree – like Transformation, Recycling, Evolution, and Expeditions – have become part of quest rewards.
  • Any features that the player acquired previously will continue to be available upon migration.
  • Adjusted quest and mission flow in Stonewood and Plankerton.
  • Added, removed, and tweaked quests to account for Front End redesign.
  • These now grant many of the squad slots and feature unlocks that were previously found in the Skill Tree.
  • Players who have already progressed past these quests will receive a Giftbox containing these new rewards.
  • New characters, quests, narrative, and better pacing during the earlier portions of the game.
  • Added new Landmark Zones and Missions
  • Build Off!
  • Plank Harbor
  • Steel Icarus
  • Readjusted the combat length in the initial Stonewood Missions.
  • Added random storm lightning strikes/mini-encounters in most zones and missions.
  • Plankerton Storm Shields can now be completed one after the other, without having to finish all of the linear story missions between them.
  • The structure is similar to Canny Valley and Twine Peaks.
  • Collection Book rewards have been extended to level 500 and reworked.
  • The Collection Book rewards were updated to include new materials such as PERK-UP, RE-PERK, and Flux.
  • XP rewards have been increased.
  • Reward quantities for Evolution materials have been increased and tweaked to feel more consistent throughout.
  • Skill Points and V-bucks have been removed from the Collection Book.
  • Existing players will receive a Giftbox containing these new rewards, based on their current Collection Book level.
  • Players who were at the old max level will receive additional levels based on how much XP they have earned.
  • All items previously earned through the Collection Book will remain on your account.
  • We’ve removed the “Mission Expires in” text from the Hex map. It will now only show “Time Remaining:” and the number associated with it.
  • New primary mission “Refuel the Homebase” replaces the “BluGlo Siphon” secondary mission.
  • The ambient BluGlo density in Plankerton has been brought up to compensate for the removal of the Siphon secondary mission.
  • Fixed an issue causing Deliver the Bomb to show the final encounter timer in the objective list instead of at the top of the screen.
  • The Rift in the Deliver The Bomb Mission has a much smaller range that blocks the player from building near it.
  • Players should no longer get stuck waiting with no HUD after completing a mission.
  • If experiencing a network error, the player should see “Waiting for rewards results…” in the rewards screen instead.
  • Fixed Hexylvania Takers not giving credit for the Kill Mist Monsters repeatable quest


  • Quest dialog in the Main Menu will begin after the player has gone through the reward screens.
  • The outlines for special enemies with headpieces will now properly match their models.
  • Such as Beehive and Pumpkinhead Husks.
  • Updated quest map ‘Play’ Button to stay visible at all times, even when disabled.
  • Fixed Quest Map to update screen mode details on mode change and not button click.
  • Fixed arrows on quest map.
  • Using arrow keys on the Quest Map no longer displays the last selected mission information.
  • Fixed a typo on the lobby matchmaking text for the hex map screen.
  • Changed the wording on the popup displayed when slotting items to the Collection Book.
  • Text now reads “This will remove the item from your inventory and add it to your collection book.”
  • Expedition Squads progression bar no longer shrinks when the seconds’ digits hit zero.
  • ‘Owned’ count added to item choice pack options.
  • If you already own an item listed in the choices then a number will appear showing how many you already own.
  • Updated markup of the Schematics help section.
  • Fixed the alteration options widget to properly scroll selections when the scroll box is active.
  • Fixed ‘Scroll Text’ button callout is observed to be active after the player is navigated to the reward screen after completing a mission.
  • Updated tutorial announcements to handle all current gamepad control schemes for keybinding callouts.
  • Incorrect message is no longer displayed when non-party leader opens permissions in a storm shield.
  • Text reads “The storm shield belongs to someone else. You cannot grant yourself permissions.”
  • Airstrike now properly displays its cooldown once it is given to the player during the tutorial sequence.
  • Event Store items now retain scroll positions for both Event and Weekly item views when backing out or switching to the other view.
  • Fixed a minor hitch in the Quest menu.


  • Major memory improvements have been made for all platforms.
  • Fixed a hitch when opening the quest tab in-game.
  • Fixed an issue with Elemental Husk materials that could cause a client crash.
  • This has a positive side effect of reducing memory usage.


  • Added full voiceover for Calamity, Dusk, and Harper.
  • Fixed issue where Anti-Material charge could destroy a building piece but leaves the attached trap floating in the air and active.
  • This means players can no longer stack traps on top of each other.
  • Fixed an issue where “Keen Eyes” wouldn’t deactivate once “In The Zone” has deactivated.
  • Fixed an issue where some sounds from Shockwave didn’t play for other players.
  • In-game text now shows T.E.D.D.Y instead of TEDDY.
  • In-game text now shows D.E.C.O.Y instead of DECOY.
  • In-game text now shows B.A.S.E instead of BASE.


  • Last Word Revolver added to the weekly store.
  • Mid-range revolver with a limited magazine but excellent headshot damage.
  • Slow and precise when aiming down sights, or can be rapidly fired from the hip for a more damaging, less accurate spray of bullets.
  • Available Wednesday, November 14 at 7 PM EST until Wednesday, November 21 at 7 PM EST.
  • Increased the drop rate of weapons and traps found in Treasure Chests in Stonewood.
  • When shooting a piercing weapon through a series of environmental objects (trees, walls, etc), the damage number now shows the total damage done.
  • Neon Launcher sounds now play to all nearby players.
  • Added a couple of missing items back into the Llama Pinatas that were accidentally removed during the implementation of Dupe Protection.
  • Legendary Sergeant Jonesy
  • Epic Equalizer Assault Rifle
  • Fixed a bug that caused the Cozy Campfire trap to reduce durability incorrectly when using reload speed perks.
  • Players and defenders can now receive healing from up to 4 Cozy Campfires simultaneously.
  • Fixed the Shadowshard Candy Corn LMG having the wrong pickup mesh.
  • The preview for Sir Hootie will now zoom at the right rate when viewing the weapon.
  • Fixed the Wraith not getting the correct bullet spread at low framerates.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause controls to become unresponsive when using heavy melee attacks and repairing at the same time.


  • Defenders no longer need to be explicitly slotted. When summoning a Defender, players can now select any of their owned Defenders.
  • The number of Defenders you can summon simultaneously is still limited by the number of Mission and Home Base Defender “slots” you have unlocked.


  • Fixed Hexylvania Takers not life stealing while weakened.


  • Fixed an issue where glowing effects on Ninja characters would stop glowing after entering Shadow Stance.
  • Fixed Riot Shield Husk’s shield not using the correct visual effects for bullet impact.


  • Updated audio for the new UI and Front End.
  • Added sound to Storm Shield wall when players are close to it.
  • Fixed Riot Shield Husk’s shield not using the correct sound effects for bullet impact.
  • Fixed an issue with Bee Hive Husk projectile playing for players when NPC is attacked.
  • Fixed an issue with Cinematic missing intro sound when transitioning to Ramirez.
  • Fixed an issue with reward music not playing proper music when starting.
  • Fixed an issue with tire bouncing audio playing twice.
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