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New Patch Arrives for Darksiders 3

A brand new patch has been rolled out for Darksiders 3 which adds a new option for the game’s combat, which was implemented with the intent to make the game feel more like Darksiders 1 and Darksiders 2.

Patch 1.05 is available now on all platforms, and here is the full rundown of the changes:


  • Added new option for Combat. Upon loading a save or starting a new game, players will be prompted to choose between “Default” and “Classic” combat. “Classic” mode should feel more like previous Darksiders titles allowing Fury to dodge interrupt her attacks as well use items instantly. “Default” mode is the original combat mode for Darksiders III. The option can be changed at any point in gameplay options while playing. This has no other effects on difficulty or achievements.
  • Improved ledge grab detection on Fury so she can more consistently grab ledges.
  • Additional optimizations to help stuttering while streaming.
  • Added “Health Lurcher” item to Vulgrim that allows player to purchase refills for Nephilim’s Respite .
  • Added “Echo Mark” item to Vulgrim that allows player to refund their spent attribute points.
  • Added a few new checkpoints.
  • Raised the level cap to 200. Also, rebalanced leveling curve post level 80 as well as stat rewards..


  • Fixes for random crashes
  • General performance improvements.
  • Fix for Force Coral where it wouldn’t break correctly. This will also fix previous saves with this issue.
  • Fix for some checkpoints that weren’t registering.
  • Cycling difficulty options while in game will not affect actual difficulty unless it is changed.
  • Fix for Abraxis Health bar showing up but he is missing.

Balance Changes:

  • Fury will no longer take damage while performing an Arcane Counters.
  • Havoc Form does more Damage.
  • Increased Havoc Generation on Obscurus Enhancement.
  • Increased Health and Damage amounts on Fortifier Enhancement.
  • Increased Health Regeneration on Leviathan Enhancement.
  • Increased Lurcher Reward from destroying breakables on Leviathan Enhancement.
  • Increased Chance to Spawn Wrath when killing an Enemy on Rage Enhancement.

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