Hideo Kojima’s P.T. has been remade and is now available, for free, on PC.
Radius Gordello is behind the remake, focusing on remaking
the textures, models, animations and code from scratch, however sdome assets were re-used.
“Although I did set out to make all the assets from scratch, I felt it would have taken away from the authenticity of the whole experience if I recreated some of the more iconic ones: Lisa’s, Norman’s, and the baby’s models, the baby’s animations, the radio, and the pictures in the picture frames,” Godello said, according to their website.
“In addition to this I also had to reuse the original sounds because I don’t know much about audio creation myself.”
The original P.T. intro and the demo’s pre-rendered ending are the only elements missing.
Here is a video of the gameplay, around 14 minutes worth:

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