Although new content may not be on it’s way thanks to an ongoing lawsuit, it’s not stopping patches from rolling out to improve the player experience on Friday the 13th: The Game.
Here are the patch notes for the update that is rolling out, across all platforms, throughout the day on Thursday:
- Various Quality of Life fixes implemented to the Virtual Cabin 2.0.
- Removed helium from various floating objects on all maps.
- Resolved an issue with environmental kills not displaying on Higgins Haven Small.
- Fixed an issue with the Emote user interface. Dance like nobody’s watching…
- Various Quality of Life fixes for Menu items.
- Resolved multiple issues that allowed players to reach rooftops on all maps.
- Resolved multiple issues that allowed players to reach areas that Jason could not reach on all maps.
- Made areas where players were stuck less sticky.
- Fixed an issue where the Shift ability would allow Jason on rooftops.
- Cars no longer damage players through walls.
- Fixes applied to prevent counselors from parking the car and blocking Jason from reaching them.
- Corrected several scenarios that caused players to suffer an interaction lock including:
- During bear trap deployment or interaction.
- While performing blocks.
- While weapon swapping.
- While weapon swapping and entering combat stance.
- During small item use.
- While dropping items.
- After using the map.
- After aiming the flare gun or shotgun.
- Dodging while dropping a weapon.
- When shifting and interacting with items, environment, or counselors.
- When shifting into water. (He really wasn’t a good swimmer.)
- Using the sweater to stun Jason while he is already down will not activate the next phase of the kill progression, and will not allow players to kneel him directly from the down state. This was an unintended effect where players were able to stun a stunned Jason, leading to the Tommy Jarvis kill on Jason.
- Fixed an issue where Jason shifting to avoid the sweater stun animation still allowed counselors to bring him to his knees without the stun.
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