Sea of Thieves ha dropped a new free content update and Smuggler’s Fortunte is now available, along with pets.
According to the official synopsis:
Mercenary Voyages will not only be free to accept but will allow you to actually earn Doubloons. This month’s Rag and Bone Voyages offer a special twist on Cargo Runs, setting crews on course for Shipwreck Bay to locate hidden crates which need delivering to various Seaposts. But beware: time is of the essence to get these to their destinations, and yours won’t be the only crew heeding the call.
Increase your pirate fortune by taking down Ancient Skeletons, rare new enemies who carry Ancient Coins that can be spent in the Pirate Emporium. You can also send roaming Skeleton Sloops back to the depths and lay claim to their hoards of treasure. So following hot on the heels of loot being added to Barrels of Plenty and the emergence of the Reaper’s Chest, there are more riches than ever just waiting to be found or stolen.
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