Mobile EA Shuts Down Apex Legends Mobile, Stops Development on Battlefield Mobile Game EA and Respawn Entertainment is shutting down their Apex Legends mobile game with the company announced that they will be sunsetting the title this... Anthony DiMoroFebruary 5, 2023
News Star Wars Battlefront II Releasing New Game Mode With Ewoks Star Wars Battlefront II is looking to ramp up their game with a new update on April 18th that will introduce a new game... Anthony DiMoroApril 14, 2018
News EA Says BioWare’s Anthem Will Be Out In Early 2019 EA has announced that BioWare’s Anthem will be out in early 2019 in what many people are calling a “delay” but EA is saying is not... Anthony DiMoroJanuary 30, 2018
Nintendo EA Motive Developing Brand New Action Aame, Promising Innovative Ideas EA has been synonymous with sporting games for, what seems like, an eternity, but the developer is hoping to make an innovative mark in... Anthony DiMoroNovember 15, 2017
News EA Pushing For More Open-World Games Due To Market Success EA is looking to dedicate more resources to the development of open-world games due to the popularity and market success of the genre. Ex-Bioware... Anthony DiMoroOctober 23, 2017