esports Riots Punishes 16 League of Legends Pro Players, Levies Fines Riot Games has disciplined four players, announcing that they have issued fines ranging from $1000-$2000 for what they are categorizing as “negative behaviour,” griefing, and... Anthony DiMoroOctober 9, 2018
News Check Out Swain’s New Ability Kit Swain, the popular bird man of League of Legends, has a new ability kit that has been completely reworked. Check out the videos below... Anthony DiMoroJanuary 23, 2018
Previews League of Legends Official Swain Champion Teaser Trailer Riot Games gives a sneak peek at the Noxian grand general in this League of Legends Official Swain Champion Teaser Trailer. Anthony DiMoroJanuary 20, 2018